
Huvudskär & Sadelöga

Yesterday the wind prediction was starting with 5 m/s going up to 8-10 m/s which causes serious waves on open water. HD and I decided to go to Huvudskär south of us and head there over mostly open waters just towards the end go back between the archipelago.

So off we went navigating between rocks and small islands towards the open Baltic sea. When we arrived there we had to reef the mainsail and then start surfing waves up to 3 meters high. It was an interesting ride towards the south. 

HD took over navigation after the first third and suddenly we had landed just in front of Huvudskär. Now we wanted to do one more maneuver to get to the west of the island. 

This change of sail side went wrong and we ended up with the big knot on the picture of the Genoa sheet. Luckily we got the motor running and after rolling up the Genoa safely to the blue buoy at Huvudskär. Here we got our well deserved rest. 

The night we decided to spend sheltered behind some rocks at Sadelöga. 

Here HD did his first archipelago anchor maneuver all by himself at the helm.

Here we've had a good night a bit nervous because as predicted strong wind set in just after 1 in the morning. 

Today we will head south west. 

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