We arrived safely in Trosa shortly before 18h. But then the trouble started. We tried to dock between pollers and the space was to narrow. The second pollers were to far away from the pier so we had to back out after a long rescue mission for me to get back on the boat. Well now we are docked at the pier with a neighbor, a real regatta sailor. He is alongside our boat.
This place is only good for this night. So tomorrow morning we move to another place between pollers that hopefully are wide enough for the boat.
So Christine, Thomas and Morten look for the boat on the left side of the creek and on the harbor side between some pollers tomorrow.
Probably I will wait for you at the harbor café.

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Anne Heinicke (Sunday, 10 June 2018 17:41)
Hey ihr mutigen Segler, sonnig-gewittrige Grüße von der Insel Rügen und hopefully more luck next time when get into harbours :-) ... I will follow you on your trip via internet ... enjoy your sailing!!!
lg Anne