Waking up I had the idea to try to change the appointment for the sail repair from Friday noon to this morning. So during breakfast I called the sail maker and he agreed.

Also here we were lucky as the day before. The sail was finished in less than 90 minutes and we set off for Vrångö shortly after 12 o'clock.
After a few hours of sailing, tacking and avoiding stones in the water we got a nice spot in the harbor of Vrångö. Boat neighbors and harbor master jointly helped by taking our ropes.
It was so hot we quickly set out for a swim and after that Thanya did her magic on the stove. She served spaghetti with tuna that I just could die for. With the red wine that Anna-Maria and Johan brought, we had a dinner that is hard to top in a very good restaurant.
The day ended again with a magnificent sunset!
By the way, Johan took the initiative to pump up the dinghy that had lost considerably of air in the heat of last weeks.

Write a comment
Antje (Friday, 13 July 2018 07:39)
Liebe Sofia,
herzlichen Glückwunsch. Es freut mich unheimlich für dich, dass sich nun endlich alles zum Guten gewendet hat und alles repariert ist. Ich wünsche dir weiterhin eine gute Reise.
Liebe Grüsse Antje
Elke (Friday, 13 July 2018 13:11)
Hi Sofia,
after just reading your important news I found out that all problems have been solved by now (13th July). Great. Wonderful. You can continue your long lasting vacation.
I wish you and your sailors only good: weather, fish, wine, landscapes, sun rises on the water, sun sets on the water, and more.
Best regards from Ile d'Oleron (cycling and swimming, not sailing),
Sofia (Tuesday, 17 July 2018 17:45)
Thanks Antje and Elke, it's nice to know you are cheering for me and following my journey as well as my challenges.
This week I will reach halftime and I hope the second half will be a bit smoother. But first I will need to manage my birthday week with none or reduced crew.
I'm learning to take each day in stride and not get to comfortably about my longterm plans, rather see them as a vision and not something set in stone.
@ Antje, looking forward to our time on the boat together in August!