Posts tagged with "Göta"

Sailing · 29. June 2018
We are fast in Lilla Bommen harbor in Gothenburg. More later-we managed!
Sailing · 28. June 2018
Today started before 10 o'clock, which had been our goal yesterday, since it's the longest on water today. We were ready at 9.55 and used our VHF radio to call for opening of the first bridge. A while later we reached Trollhättan lock stairs with one huge lock drop and then additionally 3 in a row. Compared to Göta kanal with the highest height difference a bit over 3 meters, Trollhättan was amazingly high! Also the walls where partly still the surface of the pure rocks that the construction...
Sailing · 27. June 2018
Today, probably the hottest day so far, we entered the canal towards Gothenburg: Trollhättan elv/ Göta elv. We didn't do a to long pass getting used to the canal and doing one downward lock today. Lovisa had to steer, because some of the bridges required VHF calling to pass, so she had to manage waiting while I made the radio calls. We passed 4 bridges in total and start with one right after leaving our harbor tomorrow.
Sailing · 20. June 2018
So after the electric motor dashboard check and repair, we got off into the lock in Hajstorp that we had done yesterday twice. Once downward and then backward up again. This time everything went smoothly, except as predicted it started raining just before 1 o'clock. But we were just content to be on our way again. So during our afternoon Nila and I were manning the locks and getting really good as a team doing it, while my mum helped with bringing food or cooking tea to keep us warm. Gian was...
Sailing · 20. June 2018
The repair guy Pär should be here any minute now. Other boats are also waiting to get into the lock. I found Gian's treasure collection, see next picture. Feathers, stones, bark boat, ropes etc.
Sailing · 19. June 2018
As described previously it was an adventures day today for myself. But for Gian our 5 year old it probably turned out to be the best day so far. Sun came out just after breaking. We had to stop many times today, so he could get off the boat. He helped dock longside when emptying the toilet. He could go for a swim in the pool after lunch next to this pier. He got an icecream after the motor stop. He found precious glittering stones. He learned to fish for the first time in his life, even if we...
Important news · 19. June 2018
More delays, so SORRY! What a day today! Right now we are docked longside before the first double lock in Hajstorp on our way to Sjötorp in the Vänern lake. We did the first lock and then the motor didn't start for no apparent reason. The instrument board, didn't show any lights. My first thought was, they are faint and I can't see them so just try again to press the on/off button, then press the motor start button. But nothing happened. Since we had just done our first downward lock of a...
Sailing · 18. June 2018
Today we left Karlsborg and passed through Forsvik to reach the highest point of Göta kanal. We've reached Vassbackens harbor by now. We realized that it would have been better to stop right after passing through the lock in Forsvik. Here in Vassbacka at the cafe Nila found a brochure telling all that we could have seen in Forsvik. Apparently the start of building Göta kanal and the deepest lock. We only had drops of rain today, nothing compared with yesterdays downpours. Even quite a lot of...
Sailing · 17. June 2018
We started the day slowly, but left Motala at 10.15h in the rain under motor. After a third of the way across Vättern, the rain ceased and a bit of wind came up so we sailed and had our sandwiches for lunch. Just before the next rain came we managed to roll in the sails and finished our journey to the Göta kanal Karlsborg harbor. In the rain we did a boye maneuver that was successful. But noticed that we had chosen the wrong side of the harbor not able to get to the services.
Sailing · 15. June 2018
I was worried we wouldn't make it to Motala today. Over the last 2 days I rearranged both my mum and Nila with Gian to join me in Motala rather than Vadstena as planned. Today we managed to leave Göta kanal around 15h in Motala and then we got diesel and emptied the toilet. We were finally docked across the Göta kanalbolagts yellow building at 16h. We didn't head on to Vadstena anymore. Motala turns out to host the Vättern Rundan tomorrow a bike race around the complete lake which is about 4...

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